Parent Teacher Association
Our Parents, Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA) has been running for over nine years and has recently achieved charity status, which is a significant achievement for all at Holmbush.
We have raised over £50,000 through the numerous discos, summer fetes and Christmas fairs. Without your support this would not have been possible. We are aware that we are often asking for donations and we thank you for always supporting us. We know it is not always easy, but your donations really do make a difference.
Our PTFA is made up of a very small group of parents, carers and several members of staff who work together in order to help provide the children with new equipment to enhance their learning, which the school cannot afford to buy out of their normal school budget.
We all find it an incredible rewarding group to be a part of, especially when you consider the equipment we have helped purchase to date, including:
- Outdoor play equipment
- iPads
- The Roundhouse
- The outside classroom
- Touch screens
- White boards
- The hall sound system
- Raspberry Pi’s for computer programming
- Forest Schools equipment
- Sandpit
- Mud kitchen
How to join us
We are always looking for new members to join our friendly group and welcome anyone who can spare a few hours to help with the school fairs or would like to take a bigger part and join the team and get involved in planning the events. You don’t need to attend all the meetings, just support where you can, it might be running a stall or sticking the tickets on items for the tombola, we welcome all help, no matter how small.
You may even have a money raising idea which the school could benefit from. Ideas are always welcome.
To join our mission, contact the school office, or see our noticeboard for details of our next meeting and come along to meet us in person.